Denali gallery available |
Images are now available on the Live from Denali website. The image gallery contains many beautiful images from the climb up Mount McKinley. |
Getting ready for Mars in 2000 |
The PolyLAB expedition tent getting checked out for another mission |
We have started equipment tests for our next journey to Haughton Crater for the NASA Haughton-Mars Project 2000
Field Season. We will keep you informed! |
PolyLAB space news available in your mailbox |
There is now a mailing list system set up that can keep you
informed of new developments in the PolyLAB SpaceSystems work. Details
on our Space Systems page.
Always looking for volunteers and temporary support! |
The Simon Fraser University PolyLAB in Vancouver, a unit of the Telematics Research Laboratory, is presently interested in drivers and assistants who are available to support emergency and field support in our field activities. Large vehicle-driving and extreme camping experience is important. Please contact
Dr. Steve Braham if you are interested in working with us.